Thursday, April 26, 2012

Unborn baby shot in LA

MSN ran an article today about an unborn baby being shot. I was like WHAT? Anyways, 20 years ago during the LA riots, a victim of the violence was shot while still in her mothers womb. That is crazy to me, just the thought of it.

On April 30, 1992, the then 7 1/2 month pregnant, Elvira Evers, watched her Comptom neighborhood fill with cars full of stolen loot. She started getting nervous, so she pushed her then 5 year old daughter into the house, and not even a minute later, she felt as though her body was on fire. She had been shot in the stomach. A friend drove her to a nearby hospital since it would have taken a very long time before an ambulance would have been able to arrive amidst the chaos in South LA. Evers had an emergency caesarian section. Evers did not wake up for an entire week.

 When Evers finally woke up, she started crying and though that she had lost her baby. The baby was still alive, and the nurse took Evers to see her child. Today, Evers has a scar from the incidence and Jessica, her now 20 year old daughter, has a scar on her elbow from the bullet.

Evers says the experience changed her life. She will always remember the day and is so thankful that her and her daughter lived. Jessica is still trying to figure out why she was able to live and what her purpose is here on Earth.

This article reminded me of that show, "I Shouldn't Be Alive."
Another article about the 20th anniversary of the LA Riots.

Week 15?

The end is close. Thank GOD.

I need a break like needle needs a vein. Even though my break is only 2 weeks long, at least it is a break. So needed. My family and I are going to Panama City Beach, Florida on May 23-27th. I am pretty excited to finally get to spend some quality time with my family. I haven't really gotten to do that in a long time since I started dental hygiene school... I'm always so busy with that. I miss them. We should probably video the vacation though because my family loves each other very much BUT we tend to love to aggrivate each other on a normal basis... might get a little funny! Anyways, I am definitely counting down the days for this vacation!

This weekend is my first year pinning The first years are putting a big production on for the second year, food, drinks, a gift, the whole nine yards since they are graduation very soon. I hope when I am a second year, the first year girls put as much effort into this as we did for our second years!! It is so weird to look back a year ago, I was just finding out that I got in the program, now this time I am also through my first year, and next year at this time... I'll be on way to graduation! So weird.

Umm.... I don't really have much more to speak on.... lots of stuff going on, but there always is at the end of the semester. Good luck to everyone studying for upcoming finals!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Death by Coca Cola

One of MSN's top stories this week was this article about a cola habit behind the death of a 30 year old New Zealand woman. The woman drank 2 gallons of Coca Cola per day. (HOLY CRAP, WHAT?!) And experts say that this habit probably contributed to her death. This led the soft drink company to note that even water can be deadly in excessive amounts.

The woman's name was Natasha Harris. She was 30 years old, a stay at home mother of eight, and died of a heart attack in February 2010. The pathologist over this woman's death reported that she probably suffered from hypokalemia (low potassium) which the pathologist, Dr. Dan Mornin, thinks was caused by her excessive consumption of Coke and overall poor nutrition. Hypokalemia symptoms can include abnormal heart rhythms according to the US National Institiutes of Health.

Dr. Dan Morning said that the toxic leves of caffeine may have also contributed to the woman's death. And with the amount of soda Harris was drinking, her partner said she drank between 8 and 10 liters of Coke everyday, I would definitely say that she probably did have toxic levels of caffeine. This lady was addicted to Coca Cola. Harris was also addicted to cigareetes, smoking about 30 of them per day.

Lisa Te Morenga, a nutritionist at the University of Otago, said that excessive consumption of any type of liquid in a cool climate would be likely to play havoc with the body's natural systems and balance.

Karen Thompson, a spokeswoman for Coca Cola Oceania, said that its products are safe.

This lady drank herself to death, and not by the usual route, by Coca Cola.

Major Breakdowns

I almost cannot believe that I got through this entire week with only one major breakdown. I got an email from financial aid that said that I have no money available for my summer semester and that I will need to look into other options for paying for my summer classes, and that I should consider dropping them if I cannot afford them. The thing is, I have no option for taking or not taking summer classes; if I were to drop my summer classes, I would be dropping from the dental hygiene program. That is not an option for me, I have put in way too much time and energy into this program to just drop because I can't afford it. Anyways, I called my mom in tears and she told me to calm down, that we would do whatever we had to do to get through it. I am so blessed to have a mom like my mom. A lot of the girls in the program with me are actually in the same boat, I guess we are going to have to start doing some serious fundraisers or something to help with the cost of school! It's WAY to expensive!

I had a lot of stuff to do this week, but I got it all done. Like usual. Nothing really new there. Stressful but I tend to try to take everything day by day because thats all I can do. If I didn't do this, I would most definitely have a major breakdown more often.

Okay, so my friends are all reading this new, sounds-kinda-crazy book called 50 Shades of Gray, anyone read it? It sounds really kind of nuts, but they say it's really good even through the craziness of the book. Not that I have a lot of time on my hands to read books for fun or anything, but I am working at my cousin's consignment shop this Saturday, and lately, the store has definitely not had many customers so it may be a good time to start reading!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Exciting news

The last day of this semester is what, the 17th of May? That day can (literally) not come any sooner. I am so ready for this semester to be over and done with, I am at my breaking point! This semester has really been a lot harder on me stress-wise than my first semester of dental hygiene school. The reason for that, I am really not sure, I guess my classes are just a little bit harder, or maybe I am just burned out.

We get out 2 weeks for break between this semester and our summer semester, which is nice. My family and I are going on our first vacation together as a family! We found a condo we like in Panama City Beach, FL and we are putting the down payment down today! This is super exciting for my family. My mom got a higher title and new responsibilites at her job that she has been at for 18 years and because of that she has a little extra money! This doesn't happen in my family. We have always really struggled to make ends meet, never really hurt for anything, but never had too much, if that makes sense. We have always been really blessed in that we have never gone without, though.

This summer semester is going to be crazy though, thats for sure. We start seeing patients! I think at this time is when I am going to really enjoy school, when I get to actually do what I want to be doing. Although, unforetunately, I still have to sit through classes that aren't in the clinic setting, which is kind of a bummer! I'll get through it though, haha.

This weekend is not a big one for me. Tomorrow, I am working at my cousin's consignment shop, Blooming Deals, and then right after that I am babysitting two 8 year old girls. This could be interesting! I think we are going to order pizza and have a real girls night, painting nails, doing makeovers, watching movies... sounds like a blast to me!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Believe me, we don't need articles to scare people away!

Recently, I was messing around on the internet and ran across an article about a Link Between Dental X-rays and Brain Tumors. Like dentists and other dental professionals need any news articles to scare patients anymore than they usually already are! I have heard "I'm scared of the dentist" more times than I have brushed my own teeth. Not really, I brush my teeth a lot, but you get the idea! It's disturbing, actually. Yes, all radiation can cause some biological effects. But seriously, the risk is so low for any ill effects when taking dental x-rays every 6 months to a year. Honestly, you just have to do a pro/con worksheet. Are the benefits of having dental x-rays outweighing the possible risks? Yes, as a dental professional, I would definitely say a big fat, yes. The general public still cannot quite grasp just how completely and truely important oral hygiene really is. Oral health has effects on the entire body, not just the mouth!

The article does mention that dental x-rays are an essential procedure in the dental field, but that dental professionals should limit exposure. Listen guys, we go to school for long periods of time, and I would say that dental schools are not fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of schools, its HARD work. We know that we shouldn't take x-rays just to take x-rays, we do it because we know it is beneficial to both us as professionals to help the diagnostic process and beneficial to the patient because they see the effects of their oral hygiene in a radiograph. I understand that there can be misuse and order unneccessary radiographs, but I would say 90% of the time, all dental xrays that are prescribed are necessary in the dental diagnostic process.

The moral of the story is.... is that this article is really almost out there to scare people, and not to say that the public should not be aware of the possible risks of radiation--- in general. This particular article has no statistics at all, to show its readers actually how many people that have had dental xrays end up with brain tumors BECAUSE of the dental xrays. There is radiation everywhere, not just in the dental setting. So, people, don't NOT go to the dentist because you are deathly afraid of brain tumors, the risk is very low, and if you use this state of mind... then really, you shouldn't go to your medical doctor either because they might order xrays of your chest, which is linked to lung disease. Also, those medicines they are prescribing you is causing you to be resistant to all drugs and you are probably gong to develop an uncurable disease and no medicine ever will cure you.

Sorry, dental student rant. I'm done. Go to the dentist.

American Dental Association talks about exactly what dental xrays are and what the benefits to both the patient and the dental professional. This article talks about why you should visit the dentist regularly.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Just a few more weeks

What a week.

I am usually not a dramatic person... the only drama I have going on usually is when I watch a show like Grey's Anatomy. But lately, it seems like everything around me is so... dramatized. Maybe it is because I am surrounded with a bunch of other women all the time, at work, at school, at home... Anyways, I cannot WAIT til thats over!

Tonight and this weekend I have so much going on... I hope I can manage it all. I made plans with my family to go see a friend play at the Boat House Wine Company tonight, which starts at 7 and lasts til 10 or 11. A friend from Mississippi is in town, so hopefully I can see her this weekend, and it's one of my roommates birthdays! She is having her birthday celebration tomorrow night though at her aunts lakehouse which should be a great time! I hope the weather stays nice and cool!

This is going to sound weird, but does anyone else have this problem? I work 3 days a week and had previously not been working... but it seems like I have SO MUCH less money now that I am working compared to when I wasn't. It has really been blowing my mind. I can't wait til I'm a college graduate with RDH after my name making some real money! Ah that day will be the greatest!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Surprising Pain Triggers and Solutions

On MSN Health, I read an article about pain triggers. This caught my eye because I have been having a lot of migranes lately which I think is because of the constant weather changes, hot-cold-hot-hotter-cold. Whenever I get a migrane, that is definitely all I can think about, and this article says that there is good reason for that. A lot of time I just take some ibuprofen or tylenol to try to mask the pain, but this article shows how to actually treat the problem!

Pain trigger #1: Anger

Anger can cause chronic lower-back pain because of how you tense the muscles along the spine. Tight muscles hurt, so instead of holding in the aggravation, let it out and it might takes away some pain. This is because when you suppress your anger, the hostile feelings end up as tension which in turn increases the awful feeling in your body.

I know I personally have a problem with suppressing my anger a lot. Recently, I really have been trying to let it out, alone, in the car or in a private place. I am still having some serious tension aches in my body though, so don't know if this tactic is completely a cure-all.

Pain trigger #2: Your Smartphone

Who know a smartphone could cause a source of pain? It causes pain whenever you hold the phone between your shoulder and ear when trying to multi-task. This causes neck and shoulder aches and even tingling down your arm. Texting can often lead to tendonitis in your thumb.

Solution to this problem, would be to use a headset in planning on talking for more than a few minutes. When texting, using the pad of your thumb instead of using the tip of thumb will help lessen the risk of tendonitis.

Pain trigger #3: Thinking the Worst

I tend to not think to into things, but I notice a lot of friends do this. Thinking about the worst outcome in a situation can cause undo stress on the body.

You can try to avoid always thinking the worst by setting aside 10 minutes to let yourself worry in the middle of every day, but do not let this time fall in the early morning or right before bed. You can write down your worries and prioriztize your worries by how you can solve them.
Another article about thinking positive.

Pain trigger #4: Skimping on Sleep

As a dental hygiene student, one of my biggest problems is not getting enough sleep. I have heard over and over again how bad this is, but its hard to get the recommended amount of sleep every single day. People with chronic insomnia have nearly three times the risk of chronic pain according to the journal Sleep. Another article about not getting enough sleep.

Avoid this ache by hypnotizing yourself, an example of this would be to become completely absorbed in a single object, such as a candle's flame. This works by focusing your attention on something other than your aches and pains.

Pain trigger #5: Your Work Area

Bad posture has a high potential for injury. Carrying your shoulders up around your ears from stress tightens your shoulders and causes stress on the body, which leads to aches and pains.

Avoid these pains by practicing good posture!

Pain trigger #6: Loneliness

Denying the needs of being around others can lead to physical pain.

Avoid this by surrounding yourself with people you love and that love you!