The end is close. Thank GOD.
I need a break like needle needs a vein. Even though my break is only 2 weeks long, at least it is a break. So needed. My family and I are going to Panama City Beach, Florida on May 23-27th. I am pretty excited to finally get to spend some quality time with my family. I haven't really gotten to do that in a long time since I started dental hygiene school... I'm always so busy with that. I miss them. We should probably video the vacation though because my family loves each other very much BUT we tend to love to aggrivate each other on a normal basis... might get a little funny! Anyways, I am definitely counting down the days for this vacation!
This weekend is my first year pinning The first years are putting a big production on for the second year, food, drinks, a gift, the whole nine yards since they are graduation very soon. I hope when I am a second year, the first year girls put as much effort into this as we did for our second years!! It is so weird to look back a year ago, I was just finding out that I got in the program, now this time I am also through my first year, and next year at this time... I'll be on way to graduation! So weird.
Umm.... I don't really have much more to speak on.... lots of stuff going on, but there always is at the end of the semester. Good luck to everyone studying for upcoming finals!
Have fun in Panama City Beach, I went there a few years ago & LOVED IT! We rented a house called Heaven Sent or something along those lines & it was wonderful :)