Friday, March 30, 2012


Sometimes, like many others I have talked to over the years, I am just unmotivated to do a lot of things… unmotivated to work out, clean the house, do my homework… and then sometimes, all I do is productive things and dog on myself if I even take 5 minutes to lay on the couch and watch bad reality TV. I have always wondered what the secret is for those people that hit the gym every day at 5am and then again after their 8 hour work day, how some people keep their house sparkling clean every day, and how some of my classmates seem to do nothing in life but focus on school. Well thank you, MSN living, for the “9 Secrets of Motivated People.”

1.       When you make a plan, anticipate bumps. I need help in this area specifically. I have made a lot of plans and had a lot of goals, and when something happens that throws me off for the day, the next day is ruined too. Also, the rest of the week. And then it is over.

2.       Channel the little engine that could – really. MSN says that a person’s drive is often based on what they believe about their abilities, not on how talented they actually are. People that believe they are self-efficient do a lot better with goals than those who do not believe it. Maybe I should take this to heart, and believe it myself more!

3.       Don’t let your goals run wild, but work on them every day. I have always been told that if you set your goals too high, you may not ever reach them and will get discouraged. Maybe that’s a big part of my problem too. Even if I don’t really think a goal is unreachable, maybe it IS unreachable for that week or month, or year. I need to set smaller goals, maybe start with just making daily goals instead of trying to make goals for the year.

4.       Go public with it. This is something I actually do try to do. If I’m going on a diet, I try to tell my family and friends so they know not to ask me out to dinner and my roommates usually try to go on the diet with me, or vice versa. The only problem is that it only lasts about a month and then it’s over.

5.       Lean on a support crew when struggling. This is something I need to do more, and I think I need to do this more in life even when I am not talking about motivation. We all need to do this. I keep things bottled inside for so long that I sometimes just blow up, and I really always hate myself after I do it. I need to just lean on someone, like my mom, when something inside is eating me up instead of trying to deal with it myself.

6.       Make yourself a priority. Put yourself first, and be selfish, even though it doesn’t feel right sometimes. This can be totally hard sometimes but it can be done! At least it is hard for me to do… I tend to feel guilty when I put myself first for something but do not have to feel like this all the time!

7.       Challenge yourself – and change things up. I definitely agree with this, when on a diet, eating the same healthy salads gets so old day in and day out for lunch and supper. It’s good for the first week or so, but then after that… give me something bad for me! Changing things up and learning new recipes is something that could help stay on track!

8.       Keep on learning. I do truly enjoy learning about new things and love to “learn something new every day” Here is a fun little fact of the day blog to check out.

9.       Remember the deeper meaning. The article says that you are more likely to realize a goal when it has true personal significance to you.

Here is another article about goals!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Over too quickly!

I am so unbelieveably saddened that Spring Break is already over. I swear, time just flies right on by me! Better not blink, because you will miss out on too much! It is week 11 of my second semester in dental hygiene school... it feels like just yesterday was my first day in the clinic! Soon we will finally be working on each other and then soon after that, real patients! So exciting yet so nerve racking. I hope enough people out there trust me enough to work in their mouths!

Over break, I really did not do much of anything but relax. I did a few papers, worked, and did some housework, but other than that and catching up on some neglected TV, not much of anything. Yesterday, I went with my little sister to see the new move, The Hunger Games. I enjoyed it, although cried a lot. I read the books a while back so I was pretty excited to see the movie, however gruesome it might be. After the movie, we went to eat dinner with our parents and she was telling our mom "Sissy cried like someone died!" which, if you have read the books or went and saw the movie this past weekend, you know.... thats exactly what happened. She caught herself after the thought rolled off her tounge! Speaking of the Hunger Games, the soundtrack is actually pretty cool and I am definitely enjoying listening to the songs.

This week looks like I will be doing a lot of studying for the class I'm doing the worst in, have a test on Thursday... not looking forward to that. I just cannot make myself study as hard as I need to for this class, it is just so uninteresting and furthermore, it just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Which is why I need to study it more, but... catch 22, really. Ugh, vicious cycle!

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Like many others I am sure, I am so excited for this upcoming week. Spring break! Woo. I am not actually doing anything besides working and some research papers, but I am excited to have to think a little less throughout the week!

This week has been pretty chill for me. My roommates and I have been updating our apartment with some new decorations, mainly because we love to do it, but also because Sikeston's downtown is having a St. Patricks Day fair downtown where we live and we are figuring that a lot of people will probably be coming up to our apartment to see it (and use the bathroom) and we want it looking perfect!

Also, I don't know if I have spoken about it yet, but I have a new job at the Manpower office in Sikeston doing some administrative work, and I really love it! I am super stoked that I was able to get it, and I make pretty good money doing it! My roommate, Taylor, works here too and got me the job. So blessed and thankful!

Short blog this week, nothing too much going on! Hope everyone has a great weekend and an awesome spring break if you are at MSSU. What are everyones plans?!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Two weeks in review

I am such a bad blogger. I always have been. The only blog I was good at was Xanga. Who remembers that.... OLD SCHOOL!

Anyways, I had one of the worst weeks, last week, that I have had in a very long time. It seems that life does that sometimes though. I failed (barely, one was a 72% and the other a 74%, still failing in dental hygiene school, though) two tests, something in my car blew up while driving on the interstate and I had to sit on the side of the road wait for a tow truck, I then had to cough up money for car parts that I didn't have, my grandmas washer was leaking and no one knew and almost fell through the floor so she had to go live at my parents for a few days (doesn't directly effect me but it was just one thing after another, you've had those kind of days/weeks before), and a few other things that I have pushed far back in my memory. I just had a really bad week, not only in school, but at home, too. It was awful. Oh, and I completely forgot to blog.

I was determined, however, to not let this week be the same. I succeeded! This week has actually been super relaxing. I have a lot due school-wise, but I can handle that! This one one of those weeks where I was just going through the motions, which normally, I would probably complain about.... "nothing ever changes..whine whine" NOT THIS TIME! I enjoyed very much having nothing extra happening in my life!

Tomorrow is a big day, lots of things going on! School, work for a few hours at my new job as an admin assistant at Manpower, going to see my sister give a speech since she is running for an office in our schools pep organization, and then a little free time to make some potluck type food for our game night gathering that my Sunday school class is getting together to do! Tomorrow is filled but should be a great day!

Anyways, a little update about Operation Space! I taught again last Wednesday, and had a great time again. Kids are kids and sometimes they don't like to listen or mind very well, but I think they enjoy their time learning about Christ! Hopefully they'll get something out of it!